This workshop will be taught by Lisa Alden.
You will be creating your own stencils out of Tyvek. Participants will be given 2 tile slabs of leather-hard clay to practice a variety of techniques. You will be learning to use underglazes, stencils, and the transferring of designs from newsprint onto the clay to create your surface design.
Participants are asked to bring: sharp scissors, a small rubber rib, a sponge, 4-5 underglazes to share, a variety of glazing brushes for painting with underglaze and one for slip. Also bring 1-2 small ware boards to support the clay as you work and to get your pieces home. We will be using cone 5/6 clay. Firing and glazing will be the responsibility of the individual, although if you don't have access to a kiln, see Lisa Fuentes.
Members: Free. Guests: $10. LIMITED TO 15 people.
Refreshments will be provided.