This scholarship supports class tuition for active guild members seeking financial assistance with ceramic programs, classes or workshops at any college, university, community ceramic school, or online workshop.
The SAPG will award three scholarships this year (August 2024-August 2025) to highly motivated individuals. Only one scholarship per member will be awarded. Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the attending facility. Scholarships can go as high as $350 and may be used for full or partial tuition to ANY ceramics focused program. Note that If your class cost is $200, that is the amount you will receive.
Not sure what classes to take? Here are some ideas.
-In person classes/workshops in and around San Antonio (Throwin' Gold, UTSA Southwest, Meechi Ceramics, Mud Studio, Roadrunner, just to name a few.)
-In person workshops in other cities (Austin, Houston, Dallas)
-Online Workshops (The Ceramic School, Domestika, sometimes ceramic artists provide their own workshops on their personal website)
At the conclusion of the class/workshop, the scholarship recipient will be asked to share some of the skills learned with their fellow SAPG members via a short written paragraph (paired with picture or two) that will be shared on our newsletter and social media outlet.
Questions? Contact us at sanantoniopottersguild@gmail.com, or message us on FB/Instagram.
Ready to Apply?
Complete Application Here
1st Scholarship Round: Closed
2nd Scholarship Round: Closed
3rd Scholarship Round: Open 03/01/2025, Closes 3/20/2025